The Race to Developing Wafer Fab Cleanrooms Facilities

Semiconductor shortages

Wafer Fab Cleanrooms Facilities

Precision Cleanrooms a leader in the microelectronics cleanroom space doubles down on wafer fab cleanrooms production to meet the exceeding industry demand

During the first quarter of 2021, the world’s top 10 largest chip manufacturers saw record-high revenue growth. According to the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), worldwide semiconductor sales totaled $123.1 billion during the first quarter of 2021, showing an increase of 3.6% over the previous quarter and 17.8% more than the first quarter of 2020.

The surge in revenue and production is brought forth by a shortage due to Covid-19 and further exacerbated by anxious chip buyers who stocked up in anticipation of a supply chain squeeze.

Demand for semiconductors is surging far beyond capacity for supply, leaving many manufacturers at a loss. It could take several years for a global shortage of semiconductors to be resolved, a problem that has shuttered some auto production lines and is also being felt in other areas, including consumer electronics and appliances, among others.

The multibillion-dollar wafer fabrication plants are complex with finely tuned technologies and processes, running 365 days a year and 24 hours a day. Changing a production line to accommodate a new chip product can take weeks, sometimes months, and expanding infrastructure and technology to increase production can take several years, costing billions of dollars.

Precision Cleanrooms expands business operations and headcount to deliver on heightened cleanroom infrastructure needs

In response to the increased demand for wafer fab cleanrooms facilities, Precision Cleanrooms has expanded headcount in engineering, project management and sales. These new teams are situated across multiple states where we’ve recently opened a New York City office and a Raleigh, North Carolina office.

“The demand for modular cleanroom environments is like never before, we are seeing an exorbitant amount of new cleanroom inquiries and are forced to find innovative ways to expedite design and construction to meet the evolving needs of our customers.”, commented Bryan Scrocca, Vice President of Precision Cleanrooms.

At Precision Cleanrooms we specialize in the modular design and construction of wafer fab cleanrooms. Our engineers understand the fabrication production process, carefully engineering a solution that is right fit for your production processes, scale, technology and goals. We offer turnkey wafer fab cleanrooms, from planning and design to construction and certification. Our teams can manage the entire turnkey cleanroom process or plug in where you need them. We design and build modular cleanroom environments to house the entire semiconductor manufacturing process:

  • Wafer fabrication process
  • Assembly process pre-encapsulation
  • Post-encapsulation assembly and testing

Ultra Clean Wafer Fab Cleanrooms

Our ultra clean semiconductor clean room facilities have been the choice of many microelectronics manufacturers and are covered by our high performance guarantee, giving you confidence that the cleanrooms we implement meet your production requirements and exceed your expectations for quality and service.

Contact one of our sales representatives today to discuss how Precision Cleanrooms can partner with your organization to plan, design, build and certify the wafer fab cleanrooms that will set you ahead from your competition.